
Who is Neebatelna?

The person behind Neebatelna is called Susi Tschorn who lives in North Germany.
That’s me. I like music and I’ve been making music since I was born on February the 29th in 1988. Kind of.

What is Neebatelna?

It’s a Bulgarian word that expresses that someone can’t really be bothered by something and doesn’t let things fuck them up.
So it’s all positive. In 2007 I called my music project that way. And don’t worry if you think you might not pronounce it correctly,
it doesn’t mean you are fucked up, just maybe your speaking slavic languages abilities aren’t the best ;).
But that’s ok. A little hint tho: Neebatelna is put together like: ne-ebatelna. Su-si. Mu-sic. In my “introduction to…” song I got a person saying “Neebatelna”.

How does Neebatelna make her music?

First I used FL Studio and now I work with Reason (it’s always good to work with reason, cough cough..).
I also got a Toneport which helps me record my guitar.

This is reason.

This is the Toneport UX 1.

Sounds like what?

I keep changing the style of my music, sometimes it’s simple old-schoolish HipHop, then again it’s “I fucking hate you all”-EBM and at times it’s lovely Drum&Bass
or TripHop. It also happened that I made a little Techno.
I like a lot of different music styles and that’s why I can’t specify on something. Most of times tho I can’t help but make my music sound somewhat dark and kind of evil.
Maybe not necessarily Darth Vader-evil but at least “I am a little kid and I glare at you”-evil, after that kid had become a zombie of course.
Whatever. Click on “Music” and find out yourself. Alternatively you could read the comments from other listeners on Soundcloud.

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